about us

Mehrkam international recruitment agency by having the permission from ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare and professional personnel in the field of national and international recruitment and potential consultants who are familiar with labor law in different countries around world, find talented, technical and semi-technical human resources with different abilities and in different fields include scientific, Technical and operational fields around world and could select and recruit applicants based on the needs of target country and personal and technical abilities of applicants for the aim of working and gaining experiences.

Why Mehrkam?

Certainly, in many cases for doing works or making decision, you make use of consultation, experiences and ideas of parents, professors, friends and etc… and reach to varied results. Of course, if you had chosen a proper consultant, you would have had suitable results and in other cases unsuitable results. So, all people are come to agreement that in our lives and in different situations we are in need of using advices and experiences of experts. By this way, we can avoid problems. As a whole, humans in their lives make use of consultation in two fields generally. (1) in situations when they want to solve problems or predict a bad event like family consultant, lawyers, legal and medical advisors, …… and (2) for making a good decision in conditions like marriage, investment, finding jobs, migration and ……

Values and missions


Mehrkam international recruitment agency by considering general polices of the country and announced plans of ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare and based on the goals determined by community of institutions’ and  company’s board of directors, trying to promote quality and quantity of skills` levels and save professional, technical and semi-technical Iranian human resources in different countries and markets of world and in a 5 year period, designs and determines the levels mentioned below as the guides:

1- mission statement

  • Turning to the biggest international recruitment agency of the country
  • Turning to the best brand in the field of international recruitment of the country
  • Being pioneer in the field of recognizing and sending technical and semi-technical workforces around world

2- value statement

  • Promotion of working level and expanding the same job opportunities for job seekers around the country
  • Develop, expand and promote experiences, skills and knowledge based on world standards for workforces in the country
  • Developing international cooperation, contracts and agreements with recruitment agencies in important countries of world and effective presence in international fields
  • Designing and implementing an effective system for selecting, training and developing educational and experiencing skills of Iranian workforces that are aligned with international standards and sending them to international markets

Our team

Filed of work

Mehrkam international recruitment agency works based on documents, perspectives, missions and values statements that are aligned with developing plan designed by managing directors in all general and Specialized areas of labor market and can recognize and train job seekers in any level of abilities, skills, knowledge and experiences and promotes their skill levels based on needs of different labor markets in different countries and sends them to develop their skills and experiences.
