Common Questions :

You can easily click on the register/login button and then create your account and use the services of this website.

No, registering on this website is free for everyone.

Yes, your information on Mehrkam`s website is kept safe except for your resume. For more information, click here.

In the first step, you register on our website for free, complete your resume, and our consultants suggest job opportunities based on your profession and target country.   

No, after registering and completing your resume, you have to go to your account and be informed about job opportunities that have sent to you based on your conditions.

Unfortunately, no. Because of limitations on job opportunities, we prioritize users who complete their documents sooner over others.

Yes, you can apply for some job opportunities if you have the needed professions and qualifications in different fields of work.

No, when registering, you do not need to send certain documents. But it is a must to submit some documents necessary for the job you are applying for when completing your profile to present for foreign employers.

A list of needed documents is directly related to type, job position, and target country. Before your hiring process becomes final, our colleagues will inform you about the necessary documents.

Knowing the language of the country you want to go to has a remarkable role not only in your work process but also in your life process in that country, although for many job opportunities having language proficiency licenses are not necessary.